Sunday, September 8th, is a special day at Sac River Cowboy Church. We will gather again at the Sac River for our annual Baptism at the River after our 10 am services at both our Livestock Center and our Event Center. A map of how to get there is in this newsletter. There will be no 11:30 service at the Event Center.
You still have time to put your name on the baptismal sheets on the tables. That way, we know how many Bibles and baptismal certificates to have at the creek. If you do not decide until that day, don’t let that stop you. It is never too late to make that decision.
Before being baptized, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and His death on the cross for your sins. Confess your sins to God and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. That is between you and God, but Scotty, Mark, Ron, Don, or I will also talk to you if you have questions.
Baptism is a public confession of faith and commitment to Jesus. It is a symbol of His burial and resurrection. Baptism shows that you love, trust, and have put your hope in Christ. Baptism does not save you. Only your faith in Christ does that.
Kids, adults, senior citizens, brothers and sisters, husbands, and wives will be lined up on the gravel bar that day as they wait their turn. Some will hold on to each other while being baptized. For those of us who will be helping to baptize, it is a blessing to watch folks coming toward us into the water and see their faces as they come up out of that water. I encourage you to attend the baptism service and support those taking this step in their Christian life.
After the baptismal service, we will return to our Event Center for great food and fellowship. The church will provide pulled pork, ham and beans, cornbread, and grilled brats. You need to bring side dishes or desserts. Please join us at the river for this important day in the lives of those baptized.
Besides folding them in prayer, the most important thing I have ever done with my hands was when our son Kelly and his wife, who live in Wisconsin, adopted a little boy from Guatemala that they named Ty. A year later, they adopted his brother named Sam. I would tell them I loved them. I felt like I needed to do something different than say the words so they would better understand.
One day, as I held their hands in mine, I squeezed them three times. I told them that meant I love you, without saying the words. That simple gesture became our special thing throughout their years of growing up. Every time we would visit them in Wisconsin. Or, they would come to Missouri. They would squeeze my hand three times and I would squeeze their hand back three times. No words were spoken. They would smile, and so would I.
As they got older, we would text back and forth. Three-hand squeeze emojis were at the end of our texts. When they got to be teenagers, my son told me, “Don’t expect the boys to do that hand squeeze thing with you anymore. We can’t even get hugs from them.”
Soon after, my wife and I drove to Kansas for our Missouri grandson Hunter’s wedding. When the teenagers saw us, they ran across the room and jumped on me. Then they reached down and grabbed my hand and squeezed it three times.
Ty just graduated high school and will be going off to college. We sent him money to help with that. Later, he sent a text and then a card to thank us. At the bottom of both were the three hand squeezes. It has become more powerful and meaningful than the words.
On Sunday, I do the three-hand squeezes with many kids here at church. They squeeze my hand back three times. After I make announcements, give you Something to Think About, and have prayer, I look out at all of you, raise my right hand, and squeeze it three times. You are family to me.
I hope that everyone who reads this story will pass it on. Try the three-hand squeezes with your family and friends. Teach them to squeeze your hand back three times. Lift your hand up to God and squeeze it three times. Discover the power of three-hand squeezes
AUGUST 2024.
It is a holiday mostly known as the 4th of July but should be known and celebrated as Independence Day. July 4th is the day that we celebrate our independence.
The real reason for this day is much more than fireworks, parades, picnics, camping trips, fun on the water, and family cookouts. Two hundred forty-eight years ago on July 4th, our forefathers, who were Godly men, relied on Him for His grace and protection as they signed the Declaration of Independence proclaiming our independence from the rule of Great Britain. It is America’s Independence Day. That is what it should be known as.
Our independence did not come easy. Only after several years of war would it finally be won. Our first years as a nation were not free from problems and controversies. That is still true today. But, our forefathers were determined to establish a free and democratic system of government, and the Declaration of Independence became the foundation for this. It has stood the test of time. On July 4th, we should give thanks for their wisdom, faith, and courage.
It should also be a time we pause to honor those who served or are serving our country so we can enjoy the freedoms we have. Because of them we can come to Sac River Cowboy Church and worship as we please.
Sadly, a lot of people have forgotten what Independence Day truly means. I am not even sure that it is taught in our schools anymore. Like other holidays, marketing campaigns to sell us things hide the real reason for the season.
Although it is not a religious holiday like Christmas and Easter, Christians should reflect on God’s goodness to us as a nation. Former President Ronald Reagan once said, “If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”
Look with gratitude to the past this Independence Day, and thank God we live in America
JULY 2024
It is a holiday mostly known as the 4th of July but should be known and celebrated as Independence Day. July 4th is the day that we celebrate our independence.
The real reason for this day is much more than fireworks, parades, picnics, camping trips, fun on the water, and family cookouts. Two hundred forth-eight years ago on July 4th, our forefathers, who were Godly men, relied on Him for His grace and protection as they signed the Declaration of Independence proclaiming our independence from the rule of Great Britain. It is America’s Independence Day. That is what it should be known as.
Our independence did not come easy. Only after several years of war would it finally be won. Our first years as a nation were not free from problems and controversies. That is still true today. But, our forefathers were determined to establish a free and democratic system of government, and the Declaration of Independence became the foundation for this. It has stood the test of time. On July 4th, we should give thanks for their wisdom, faith, and courage.
It should also be a time we pause to honor those who served or are serving our country so we can enjoy the freedoms we have. Because of them we can come to Sac River Cowboy Church and worship as we please.
Sadly, a lot of people have forgotten what Independence Day truly means. I am not even sure that it is taught in our schools anymore. Like other holidays, marketing campaigns to sell us things hide the real reason for the season.
Although it is not a religious holiday like Christmas and Easter, Christians should reflect on God’s goodness to us as a nation. Former President Ronald Reagan once said, “If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be a n
JULY 2024
A friend of mine at church sends me YouTube videos from a country boy named Buddy Brown. Of all of Buddy’s videos, there is one that I keep thinking about. Here it is in Buddy’s words.
We had a FedEx delivery guy that changed my life. He only spent about 25 seconds with us each time he delivered a package. Now, what can you possibly do in 25 seconds to help someone? I used to think that. I have learned it can be more valuable than 15 or 20-minute conversations.
His name was Robert. He would come to our house with the most infectious smile and laughter. “How’s the family? How’s the boys? They still fishin’?” When my son caught a big bass, and showed it to him Robert would make over it like a proud daddy. If the boys were playing basketball, he would grab the ball, shoot and make a 3-pointer. Then he would run back to his truck and get to work. It all happened in 25 seconds.
We got looking forward to him pulling into our driveway. My boys would run outside, and I would stop what I was doing to talk to Robert.
We couldn’t have been more different. Robert was a black guy tattooed from head to toe, with dreadlocks in his hair. I’m a white guy in a camo shirt, cowboy boots, and a ball cap. None of that matters – he made every second count. That is what I remember about him. Robert was shot and killed while sitting in his delivery truck in a rough neighborhood last year. He left behind a wife and seven kids.
The reason I am telling you all this is that maybe there are times you spend 25 seconds with people. You think it doesn’t matter. I cried the day Robert got killed. He mattered that much to me and my boys.
So are we going to use that 25 seconds or throw it away? Some people are desperate to receive 25 seconds.
In Matthew 24:12, Jesus is talking about the last days. He said that because of the increase in wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. I am not going to let that happen to me.
Ask about their family, ask about their kids. Robert delivered packages and spent 25 seconds with us, yet I still tell others about him long after he is gone.
Buddy and I ask you to think about how you will spend 25 seconds with people. Welcome a visitor, invite someone to church, tell someone about Jesus. Touch their lives. All it takes is 25 seconds.
JUNE 2024
Life is so busy we sometimes forget the blessings in our life. For most of you, one of the most important blessings is that of your mother. Others are not so lucky and wish they had experienced what you have.
Being a mother, might be the hardest and most thankless job on earth. Most mothers can do it and do it willingly. Some, for whatever reason, cannot. Because of that, her children suffer.
A mother’s love for her child begins at conception. She carries her little one for nine months. Then, she cares for that child every day of their life until they leave home to start their own life. Her concern and love for that child never ends. She prays daily for them. Sometimes with tears in her eyes. Mothers are a beautiful expression of God’s love.
Mothers wear so many hats. When someone is sick in the family, she becomes the nurse. When someone is sad, she covers them with her love and counsel. When someone fails, she teaches them that God loves us and forgives us. She helps us make better choices.
She is the world’s best peacemaker. She is faithful, kind, and gentle. She cares about those in need and those dealing with sickness or life problems. She goes the second mile to help when there is a need. She watches the nightly news and worries about her family.
A mother is Christ-like. A mother would lay down her life for her children. A mother spends hours on her knees praying for her children. She is ready to make sacrifices for them. Her precious love demonstrates the love Jesus has for all of us.
Sometimes, being a mom feels like a thankless task, but to children, there is no one in this life who loves like a mom does. Show your Mom you love her and appreciate her, not only on her special day but as often as possible. A mother is a beautiful example of Gods unconditional love.
Some of you are carrying around a sack of stones. Stones of all sizes and shapes. All unwanted. Some are stones of rejection. Others are stones of regret. Some stones you don’t deserve. Some of them you do.
There are times when your sack gets heavy. It takes a lot of your energy to shoulder your past. Your sack of stones slows your step. You get tired.
You resolve to work hard to forget about the sack. But the sack is still there, and you continue to carry it. You may even take it to church. But, when you get home, you still have your sack of stones.
It is hard to be thoughtful when carrying your sack of stones. It is hard to be forgiving when you feel guilty. It does that to you.
So, how do you get relief from your sack of stones? Matthew 11:28 & 29 says, “Come to me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Accept my teachings and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit, and you will find rest for your lives. The teaching I ask you to accept is easy; the load I give you to carry is light.”
I have tried that, you say. I have read the Bible. I have listened to Scotty and Mark’s messages. Can I ask you a question? Could it be that you went to religion and didn’t go to God? Could it be that you went to church but did not seek Jesus?
Is it too late for you? Nope! The Bible has many stories about folks who carried a sack of stones around. God used them to do great things.
God is a God of grace. He is the solution for the weariness of the soul. Go to him. Be honest with him. He is waiting for you to ask Him to help. He wants you to take your sack of stones and lay it at the foot of the cross.
APRIL 2024
I was driving home, listening to my favorite radio station, 101.3 Real Country. I like the country music they play. They also proudly proclaim to be about God, Country, and Family.
As I listen, I am thinking about church coming up on Sunday. At three of our four church services on Sundays, I give the announcements about things we have going on at church. I end with what I call Something To Think About that I pray will touch the hearts of those of you who are there. I also pray that it prepares you to hear Scotty’s or Mark’s message.
I keep driving, still struggling to decide on Something To Think About. Then, the song by Randy Travis called Three Wooden Crosses came on the radio. It describes four passengers riding on a bus in the dark of night on the way to their destination. There was a farmer, a teacher, a hooker, and a preacher.
The bus driver doesn’t see a stop sign. An 18-wheeler hits the bus. Three of the four passengers die in the wreck. The song says the farmer leaves behind a harvest and a son who would follow in his footsteps. The teacher left behind knowledge in the children she taught. The preacher took his bloodstained Bible and put it in the hands of the hooker. He asked her if she could see the promised land as he passed away. The song then tells of another preacher later in life at a church service who holds up that same bloodstained Bible that his Momma had read to him.
The line in that song that stood out to me was - It’s not what you take when you leave this world behind you. It’s what you leave behind you when you go. Are you striving to be a better Christian? Are you using the gifts God gave you for His glory? Are you telling your kids and others about Jesus?
Think about the words in the song -What will you leave behind you when you go?
MARCH 2024
A few years ago, I had open heart surgery. I had been having heart problems for many years. Some problems were inherited. Most were because of things I had done. Bad choices I had made.
My wife and I attended several churches over the years. I would go and sit in the pews, sing the songs, and listen to the message. I did my weekly duty and went home. I did not attend church for many years when we had our cabin in the woods. I had heart problems, and it was keeping me from being all that God wanted me to be. Then, God led us to Sac River Cowboy Church. It changed my life. It was here I received my heart surgery.
Some of you know I did radio and television shows for many years. What you do not know is it was hard for me to do. I was a shy person. I would have never believed a few years ago that I would be standing up front and speaking every Sunday. I could not have imagined that I would be shaking hands with as many of you as possible, helping baptize people, leading others to find Jesus, or writing this column every month. Open heart surgery helped me with that.
It says in Mark 2:17 that Jesus is the Great Physician. He came to cure the sick and poor in spirit, heal our souls, and restore our relationship with God. After my open heart surgery, there was no more coming to church and doing my weekly duty. All of you have become like family. We are there for each other however needed.
I have come a long way since my heart surgery. There are some things I still need to work on to be all He wants me to be. I do what I do for His glory, not mine. Hey, I am still His work in progress. I take it one day at a time and put it in God’s hands.
How are you doing in your relationship with God? Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Are you all He wants you to be? God can do amazing things with your life if you let Jesus be your heart surgeon. My story could be your story. Do you need open heart surgery?
Another year begins. Our journey continues through life here on earth. I am thankful that Sac River Cowboy Church is a big part of my life. This church has changed me and many others for the better.
I have never been a part of a church like Sac River Cowboy Church. We are family. We are there for each other. We support each other in times of need through prayer and giving.
This past year, you were there for little Shay, Doug, Judy, and the rest of her family. You were there for our son Kelly, his family, my wife, and I. You were there for Weston and his family. You are always there for others through prayer and giving. Those of us who have been a recipient of your love, we thank God for that. We would all like to squeeze your hand three times. As most of you know, that means - I LOVE YOU.
I would like to say to those of you who volunteer your time in so many ways – THANK YOU! You serve in any way that is needed. There would not be a Sac River Cowboy Church without you. Someday, you will hear these words – “Well done, thy good and faithful servant.”
God has richly blessed Sac River Cowboy Church with Scotty, Mark, and Tami. They help us, our kids, and our grandkids better understand and grow stronger in God’s word.
To those of you who are new or first-time visitors, we say, “Welcome Home to Sac River Cowboy Church.” You will find we are a little different, in a good way, than most churches. We are glad to have you as a part of our family.
Could this be the year that Jesus will come to take us home? Are you ready? I like to imagine him reaching out His hand and squeezing my hand three times.
We do not know what we will face this year, but as our son Kelly says, “Take it one day at a time, and put it in God’s hands.”
Happy New Year! God bless America, all of you, and this special place called Sac River Cowboy Church.
It is sad that in today’s world, so many people take the emphasis off of Jesus during Christmas. It is His birthday, for goodness’ sake! But that is nothing new to Him. He is shoved in the corner multiple times a day, every day. Why should His birthday be any different?
Oh, but it should be different! So many people these days leave Christ out of Christmas, and sadly, it is not just non-Christians that do this. Some Christians also do too. Without His birth, death on the cross, and resurrection from the grave, there is no hope.
Make a point to say Merry Christmas when someone tells you Happy Holidays. It also makes me sad and mad when I see an X at the beginning of the word Christmas written on something instead of Christ. Taking Christ out of Christmas is accepted these days.
Please do not leave Christ out of Christmas! As Christians, this should be our battle cry. We should start in our homes. Why do we condemn the world
when we get so busy that we sometimes do not honor the true meaning of Christmas?
But as I said, Christ is not just ignored on His birthday. It happens every day all over the world. They reject the gift of salvation He offers to them over and over. How sad He must feel when that happens.
Let us make a special effort to witness to those around us this Christmas season. Tell those you know and do not know! Do not be shy about telling others. Be bold! Put up a nativity scene in your front yard as a witness to others. On Christmas day, read the story in Luke 2 out loud to whoever will listen. Gather family and friends around the Christmas tree and sing -
Happy Birthday, Jesus.
I’m so glad it’s Christmas.
All the tinsel and lights and the presents are nice, but the real gift is You.
Happy Birthday, Jesus.
I’m so glad it’s Christmas.
All the carols and bells make the holidays swell, and it’s all about YOU!
Happy Birthday, Jesus.
Jesus! I Love You!
Jesus! I love You!
People ask me how I could possibly believe in a God I never see or hear. I smile. Then I tell them all I have to do is go outdoors and look around. I can see Him in a beautiful sunrise or breathtaking sunset. I see Him in the beauty of spring wildflowers and the rainbow that follows a storm. I see the beauty He created in the wings of a butterfly and colors of the fall season. I see Him in the sparkling water of lakes and streams. I see Him as I look over a frosted field.
I feel He is there with me under a star-lit night sky as I sit around a campfire. I feel Him in a gentle breeze blowing through the trees. He is there in the dawn’s early light when birds begin their songs, in the rolling thunder, and the honking of geese flying south for the winter. He is there when an eagle cries as it flies high in the sky. I thank Him for what I see and hear outdoors as I experience all He created. The outdoors is good for your body and your soul.
I also feel God is always at Sac River Cowboy Church. When I stand before you each Sunday and look out at all of you, He is there. God is there when we gather at the river for baptism. He is there when we lift up our prayers. He is there with our church bands as they lead us in worship songs. He is there with those that work with our children and youth. God is there with all our volunteers who do so much to make this church what it is. He is there with Scotty and Mark as they teach us from God’s word.
Satan doesn’t like the way our church is growing. He doesn’t like it when people find Jesus here at Sac River Cowboy Church. He will do anything he can to cause division in our church. Don’t let him. For heaven’s sake, don’t let him.
Let us be thankful to God for His gift to us of the great outdoors and this special place called Sac River Cowboy Church.
For many years at our cabin near the Mark Twain
National Forest, October was stump sitting time for
me. It was just an old stump where someone had cut
down a tree long ago. It was like an old friend
waiting at the end of the trail.
From that stump, I could see a thin haze over the
valley below. The smell of smoke was in the air from
chimneys. Crows caw to each other on a distant
ridge, and squirrels scurry through the treetops.
In the valley below, turkeys fly down from their roost
and feed in the fields. A doe and her yearling join
them. A buck watches them from his hiding place. A
kingfisher squawks as he flies through the mist over
the creek. It fusses at a heron fishing for breakfast or
a busy beaver.
The sun rises high, and the show begins. The gray of
the morning would suddenly change to a
kaleidoscope of colors. My eyes would feast upon the
bronze of the oaks, yellow of the maples, red of the
dogwoods, and green of the cedars and pines. The
blue of the sky and white of the fluffy fall clouds add
a special touch to God’s creation.
Stump sitting was an escape from the broken world
we live. Good stump sitting time comes only in
October. It helps you forget about any work that is
waiting and other worries. They are all washed away
by the cleansing action of stump sitting.
You don’t have to sit on a tree stump. It can be sitting
on your porch, working in the fields or yard, or
sitting around a campfire. It could be in a tree waiting
for a deer to come by or on a lake reeling in a fish.
You might feel closer to God outdoors in His
creation than ever. It is a great place to talk to Him,
and He is listening.
When I was growing up, baptismal services were at a river. Everyone from the church and many friends, family, and other locals would come. The women would bring fried chicken with all the fixings. Watermelon and homemade ice cream were a special treat. Everyone would sing the old gospel song, Shall We Gather At The River.
Sunday, September 10th, we will all gather at the Sac River after our second service at the Livestock Center for our annual Sac River Cowboy Church Baptism at the River.
Before being baptized, you must believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and His death on the cross for our sins. You should confess your sins to God and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. That is between you and God. If you want to talk to Scotty, Mark, or any of us, we would love to.
Baptism is a public confession of faith and commitment to Jesus. It is a symbol of His burial and resurrection. Baptism shows that you love, trust, and have put your hope in Christ. Baptism does not save you. Only your faith in Christ does that.
Watching kids to senior citizens stepping into the water for baptism is a blessing. One of my favorite memories was last year when Mark and I baptized a man holding two of his children in his arms. Two years ago, we watched the baptism of a special friend in his wheelchair. Three years ago, my dentist was there playing in one of the bands. He was watching with no intention of being baptized. Then, he walked toward us in the water. It is never too late to make that decision.
I encourage all of you to come and support those taking this step in their Christian life. After the baptismal service, we will go to our Event Center for great food and fellowship, just as they did long ago.
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